MA 1670 Statistics (CNA Course)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles of probability and statistics.
CM1120 Critical Reading and Writing I (CNA Course)
An exploration of literacy texts which will include such forms as poetry, short fiction, drama and the essay. Emphasis is placed on critical reading and writing including analyzing texts, framing and using questions, constructing essays,organizing paragraphs, quoting and documenting, revising and editing.
JUC4000 Special Topics in Computer Networks (JULC Course)
This course is designed to provide the opportunity for students to maintain technical currency through a review of recent advances and their application to particular technical areas in computer networks. Students will be introduced to technological changes that have an impact on their particular field as well as to a range of more general technological trends and issues in computer networks.
MSTM 4010 Assessment and Implementation of Technology
MSTM 4010 examines the effects of technology on the physical, socio-economic, historic, cultural and aesthetic environments. The course also addresses relevant legislation, the generation and evaluation of project/product alternatives, and the prediction, verification and mitigation of technological effects.
MSTM 4012 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and Management
MSTM 4012 is an introduction to Occupational health and safety issues in a technical/industrial context. Students will gain a knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework surrounding occupational health and safety, the assignment of responsibilities in the workplace, the management of occupational health and safety in the workplace and the importance of establishing a positive safety culture.
MSTM 4020 Economic Management for Technologists
MSTM 4020 provides an introduction to the economics of technological projects. Students will study the mathematics of money, cost composition, and project evaluation, including cost comparison. They will also learn to analyze projects for decision making, including risk assessment and replacement analysis. In addition, they will learn to use suitable criteria for project selection, and to conduct sensitivity analysis.
MSTM 4030 Technology in the Human Context
MSTM 4030 examines technology in the historical context and technology in the modern era. Students will discuss human insights, innovation, the interactions between development and technology transfer, ethics and professionalism and how to develop a technology value system.
MSTM 4040 Project Management for Technologists
This course will expose the student to the interdisciplinary field of project management. This course covers the interpersonal skills necessary to successfully lead or work effectively within a project team as well as providing exposure to planning and scheduling tools and techniques necessary for the planning and monitoring of projects.
MSTM 4050 Introduction to Quality Management
This is an introductory course which will provide students with an understanding of the philosophy and concepts involved in the total quality approach to quality management. The course covers the various tools and techniques used in quality management as well as providing an overview of the role of management.
MSTM 4060 Advanced Technical Communications
MSTM 4060 will enhance the technical communication skills of students. The course content examines technical writing fundamentals; information gathering, analysis, and documentation; proposal preparation; technical document applications; technical report preparation; graphics preparation; and technical presentations. The course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop proposals, reports, and presentations for technical projects.
MSTM 4070 Special Topics in Technology
This course is designed to provide the opportunity for students to maintain technical currency through a review of recent advances and their application to particular technical areas. Students will be introduced to technological changes that have an impact on their particular field as well as to a range of more general technological trends and issues.
MSTM 4090 Introduction to Technology
This course will provide a broad survey of practices critical to operating a technology-based business. Topics covered may include an introduction to technology management, historical developments in the management of technology, the functions of technology management, and select current topics that are relevant to operating technology-based businesses.
MSTM 410A Preparation for Technical Project and Report I
This course requires the student to identify a research topic in a specialty area, write a concept paper and develop a proposal to be carried out in MSTM 4200. In addition, the course offers an opportunity to improve time management,critical thinking, project management, problem solving, and reading/writing skills as related to the research process.
MSTM 410B Technical Project and Report II
The course provides a link between the other courses of the program and the technical component from the diploma program. Students will carry out an in-depth study of the topic identified in MSTM 410A. Students will fully document and present their findings through the writing of a formal technical report.